Saturday, December 1, 2007

The perfect path

To be inspired is just like to be in passion with something you just can’t wait to show the world that you hold it. I was inspired to live a perfect life, to follow a perfect path.
I thought perfect path is to never go wrong. However now I realize that the perfect path is to listen to our heart and go wrong. If you don’t make mistakes life will be all the same. You will become one of those most predictable persons whom I used to gaze in my school days and wonder why they are so much predictable. I should say, in my school days I was ready to do mistake, may be to slap someone or to speak up the things I wanted to speak at that very moment. I was ready to take all my chances of winning and loosing. So bad now I can not afford to take my chances even for small mistakes. I just made myself to be destined to walk on such a perfect path that did not let me even understand things around me completely. But to do mistake is to learn, to experience, and to truly live that very moment.